One friend suggested Ricky Bobby from Taladaga Nights. "Humorous, diverse and smart about his job."was what she said. While that does fit Koenig well, another good friend (who knows my dog almost as well as I do!) Said he's Tigger.
Koenig is 100% Tigger.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers,
is Tiggers are wonderful things.
Their tops are made out of rubber,
the bottoms are made out of springs!
(sorry about the photo quality...)
trouncy, and pouncy. (With just a little bit of attitude tossed into the mix)
If anyone has ever met a more 'tigger' like dog, I'd love to see proof! :D
In other news- Koenig isn't very Tigger like the past few days- not for lack of trying though! The poor boy's toe hurts, and he's more then willing to go crazy, running around like the idiot he is, but I'm not letting him. He's not exactly on crate rest (that'd make us all go crazy!!!) but he's on down stay's on his bed the majority of the time. I can't keep him 100% quiet w/o the help of hard drugs, and I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
I'm giving him Arnica, Comfy, and Curcumin to help with the pain/inflammation/healing. We're also cold hosing it as many times as possible a day, for 10 minutes. (Tried doing ice baths on the foot- He's NOT happy about letting me stick it in a bucket of ice water!! He'll let me, but it's miserable for both of us- cold hosing is a remanent of my horse years, and just as effective)
He's still really really lame- I still haven't even decided if I'm going to bring him to IPO training on Sunday or not. We could work on long downs. We could work on the hold, for the retrieve.... and I could just generally piss him off by bringing him and not letting him REALLY work. Ugh. Darn dog. It's going to be a long 6-8 weeks until he's healed and ready to race around like a brindle idiot. I REALLY need this toe to heal correctly though- if he's stuck with a permanent limp then his performance days are over. :( That would really break my heart. Hopefully he'll just heal with a gnarly toe, and be good as new.
Totally Tigger. Also, I have goodies for Tigger's busted spring.