Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bad doggy owner...

I'm a terrible working dog Mom some days. I can say it does not happen too terribly often, but there are SOME days where I just don't have it in me to work the beast.

It's been an exceptionally long week at work so far.(is it really on Thursday?? I work this Sat, which means I still have 2 days left to go... yikes...) I leave the house by 8, and I have not gotten home before 6 any night this week. Getting home at 6pm means I've got a brindled dog that REALLY has to pee, and 2 kids who need showers, homework help, reading help, and I should probably feed them as well. Makes for busy, long evenings.

Koenig is a blessing, in so many ways. He's a jackass too, at times- but he's such a darn good dog most days. Today, he's not going to get a think from me other then some pets/cuddles (he's very lovable/cuddly), potty time outside, dinner, a toy to play with on his own (normally verboten in the house) and an extra stuffed Kong to keep him occupied.

Wanna know what is best about this whole situation? He's gonna be OK with it. He won't bounce off the walls TOOOOOOO high (he is always bouncing off the walls to some degree), and he'll still love me just as much as the days he gets 5+ hours of attention, exercise, and training.


I can honestly day I've dreamed for 15+ years about owning a dog JUST like my Koenig. Are there some qualities I won't demand in my next sport puppy? Sure. Are there some things (very few) that I dislike about Koenig? Sure. Do the goods outweigh the bads? HELL YES, by a landslide.

BH obedience routine, beautiful heeling!

Kicking ass, and taking names herding sheep for the FIRST time ever. 

Raw fed teeth. :)

Taken the very first day I met Koenig. Literally, it was love at first sight. 

I know, I know... he had a Gentle Leader on... I hate those things with a passion (and it nearly broke his neck!)...  Prongs/Chokes were strictly NOT allowed at the farm, and I needed SOMETHING to control him. He was one wild man, at a year old with no obedience. As you can see though, to balance out that wild man, was a 1yr old DS that was just looking for a partner. Someone to trust, and someone to work for. I'm learning with him, he's learning with me. (He is my first 'real' working/sport dog) He's generous enough to forgive my blundering errors, and still love me all the same. :) I'm done being sappy now. Time to get back to the real world, and the rest of my evening. Give all your dogs a extra cuddle/hug/pet!

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