I was talking with a DS owner/handler friend of mine, and she mentioned her dog is going through a testing stage. (he's a bit younger then Koenig, but an intact male) Koe has had a couple short periods of being a punk in the 1 1/2 years I've owned him, but nothing serious. Brindles are always tossing something new at you, and today was one of those new days.
Koenig is 2 1/2. He's neutered, but was not until just after 1 year of age, so he got to that teenage rebellion stage. There is a thought that when you neuter a dog, you're rendering it emotionally stunted. He will never go through the same maturing process as an intact dog will. While this may reduce the teenage rebellion of a dog that's feeling all tough and manly.... it may not entirely avoid it in a neutered dog.
My dog is being an ASSHOLE. We've all had those days, admit it. ;) He's totally being a jerk today, and while I may be anthropomorphizing a bit, Koenig know's he's being a prick. He snarled at Richard this morning. I mean lips peeled, SNARLING when Richard asked him to go lay down (go to his bed in the living room, and lay down. It's really not to much to ask...) It got to the point where rather then beat the dog to a pulp, we crated him. Good ol' fashioned time out. Not a time out for bad behavior, just a place for him to go, where he CANNOT get into any more trouble. Sit in there, and leave me alone. ;) So..... there he stayed until it was time to head on up to my parents for Sunday dinner. He got some extra exercise, running along side the Jeep on the long, dirt road my parents live on, and then he had a good romp with Sophie the Saint Bernard for 30 min or so once we were at our destination.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pl_1kq7ZM-4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Extra frisbee and fetch after the romping was added in, till his tongue was hanging to his knees. As always, we did OB while playing fetch and frisbee. (no video... maybe next time!)
Inside, I almost always ask Koenig to go lay down somewhere. My parents have 2 120+lb doggies, and up until recently we had 2 dogs as well. With the 2 kids, and 4 adults, it makes for a full house. Much easier for everyone if the dogs (who have manners) go lay quietly somewhere. (Since my Dad's dog, a Rott/Dobe has NO manners what-so-ever. Dumbest dog I've ever met) Today this request seemed to be completely beyond Koenig's capabilities. He was a punk. Even if I didn't move, he'd get up and start wandering. Nose around in the kitchen, get asked to go lay down. I'd leave the room (heaven forbid) and the dog would get up, again. This repeated it's self 10 times, at least. SO NOT OK with me. I told him to GO LAY DOWN, and gave him a flat collar correction with that command, and he SNARLED at me.
For those who don't know Koe, or the breed.... they can be a but mouthy. Both in 'coming up the leash' and just back talky crap. Koenig has always been vocal, and grumbles. Whatever, I've come to deal with it... it's just the dog I have, and totally isn't worth a fight. He's fine. Normally, he's not being dominant/an asshole at all, he's complying to the command I gave, quickly and correctly, he's just telling me he'd rather be doing something else. ;)
Not today. He was telling me to back off, or he'd do something about it. Of course I didn't have an e collar, DD collar, or prong with me, (or even a leash, for that matter!) so I borrowed a huge prong of my Dad's. Removed 1/2 the links (Did I mention the dogs they have are huge?) and put it on Koe. Gave him a Platz command, he snarled, gave him a BIG correction (possibly one of the biggest he's ever received) and tied him to the door, on the prong collar. Punk. At least now he couldn't get up and wander.
Tonight once we got home, his e collar went on, so if he did get any funny ideas I wouldn't have to risk a collar correction with a pissed off dog. We went out, and played another 20 minutes of HARD fetch, with lots and lots of OB. Happy, silly dog. He was 100% normal, and possibly a bit quicker/snappier in his OB then what he is on average.
Teenagers. I hate them. I hope this passes quickly, but until then we'll be upping the structure in the house, and adding in extra exercise every day. A tired dog is a good dog, and I'm really a firm believer in that! By 'upping the structure' at home, I'm thinking that Koenig won't be allowed loose in the house this week. He'll be under a stay command on his bed, actively training with me, playing with me, or in his crate. I've been pretty loose with him lately, especially since we lost our other dog. Maybe he's still adjusting to being a 1 dog house, or maybe not. I don't care- his behavior today was unacceptable, and bordering on dangerous. (He had some evil intentions, I can tell you that... I was about 1/2 a second away from getting bit.)
Today is over- dogs don't hold grudges, so neither can I. All I can do is try to prevent this from happening again, and I've got the best plan I can come up with to put into place this next week.
Brindle Butt, earlier this week at a local park.
He's so handsome when he's not thinking about nailing me...
Ruger is 18 mths old and is going through the terrible teens!!! He hasn't snarled at me but he acts as if Ive never taught him any OB. The other night he was in the house, I told him to down. He peeled his ears back with a big ole smile on his face, wagging his tail, saying you can't make me!!! I repeated the command and gave a pop on his collar and he locked up again refusing to down! It turned into a 15 min OB lesson and It was frustrating, especially since he still thought he was funny, UHG!!! teenage brindle boys can be a BIG handful!!!